Show HN ranking for the past day

  1. I made an open-source Loom alternative | 109
  2. I created an app for you to be a more unpredictable romantic partner | 113
  3. es6_maps, new Elixir syntax feature via runtime compiler hacking | 29
  4. CarCheck – Car Buying Checklist App | 11
  5. | 39
  6. Making GNU Make a better Task Runner | 0
  7. A better UI for ChatGPT, Claude with text search, saved chats and more | 12
  8. App to Track Meals Automatically | 0
  9. AI-Powered Food Logger | 2
  10. Drago – I am building a logistics platform for businesses | 0
  11. I made an app that checks your brand name for vulgarity in other langs | 3
  12. I made a web based Node.js and JavaScript playground to make web apps | 2
  13. Zone4 | 0
  14. Wordsweeper – A word guessing game based on levenshtein distance | 1
  15. NanoXLSTM: minimal codebase for playing with xLSTM language models | 0
  16. Show HN | 7
  17. A simple Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition battle tracker | 0
  18. Git Searcher, search commits for an added or removed string | 7
  19. Talking+ Transform Anything into AI Virtual Pets | 1
  20. AI Project Manager to ship faster but it turned into a useless teenager | 1
  21. A list of tools that a beginner backend dev should know in 2024 | 2
  22. Add Chat to Anything | 0
  23. I built a live preview web code editor | 0
  24. Built a Free AI Vocal Remover App Provide a (YouTube Link | Media File) | 1
  25. (Wiki,stackoverflow,jina...) x (Gemini,GPT,kimi...) | 0
  26. I Built an AI Tool That Humorously Roasts Your Product's Design | 3
  27. AI Search Benchmark: Perplexity Pro Reigns Supreme with 80% Accuracy | 0
  28. I ported an old jQuery plugin library to create cloud words | 0
  29. Bug Bounty on a Sushi Belt – Automated Target Identification | 0
  30. RemoteJobsly – a developer based job board | 0
  31. Is Perplexity Pro the future of tech or just a passing trend? | 0
  32. CVmate – we've trained an AI to check your tech CV | 0
  33. Markdown note-taking web-app, no sign-up | 0
  34. Built DocsChatAI – AI Chat Tool for PDFs, Markdown and OCR Support | 0
  35. I made a tool for analyzing wind conditions for bike rides | 4
  36. Hstream – write Streamlit, ejcct to Django and Htmx | 0
  37. Computational peacenut RAG bot, async self-proxy | 0
  38. I made a fun little mental maths game | 1
  39. We Automated *ARR Installation and Setup | 1
  40. Pyvector-rs, embed Vector pipelines inside Python applications | 0
  41. Clojure based maths learning with Nomu.AI | 0
  42. Contribute to CLI based tool for configuring dependabot on GitHub | 0