Ask HN ranking for the past day

  1. Why does 30 feel like a deadline? | 36
  2. Mechanical load bearing solder (Sansa Clip Plus) | 7
  3. Fast/cheap epaper badge for real time speech to text with deaf friends? | 9
  4. Alternatives to Google Photos | 12
  5. New iPad pro M4 would make more sense with macOS | 14
  6. Am I being too picky? | 7
  7. What do social networks put unique IDs in link sharing for? | 5
  8. Notes in VS Code | 5
  9. Why do you write comments/tweets/posts? | 5
  10. What is the project that you are most excited about today? | 6
  11. How is anyone managing to type at length on a new iPhone? | 1
  12. How could we bootstrap our technology should everything get fried? | 2
  13. How do you learn on the job? | 4
  14. Suggestions for creative web projects for a web developer to create | 1
  15. What monitor(s) do you use? | 9
  16. LLVM versus WASM? | 2
  17. Anyone ever think of using the ocean to build an alternative Internet? | 6
  18. What are we compensated for when we work an extra day? | 4
  19. Tell HN: V0 is open to all: Generate UI with shadcn/UI from simple text prompts | 0
  20. HN comment sentiment analysis across 24h? | 1
  21. Which programming language do you think would be best to learn first? | 2
  22. Looking for alternatives to auth0, Eartho and Firebase auth (user login service) | 3
  23. Could advanced M-Line chips ever substitute for Nvidia H100s? | 0
  24. Is there a single website with power law impact on trained LLM? | 0
  25. I need headline suggestions please | 3
  26. iPad Pro as an LLM backend? | 1
  27. Is there a need for a new Linux distro? | 5
  28. What has good backward compatibility? | 3
  29. Developers working at marketing agencies: what is our value add? | 1
  30. Version and store collaborative task lists, data formats and branching | 0
  31. What project took you the most time to complete? | 1
  32. Another front end for open LLM? | 0
  33. Agile | 1
  34. Are Single-Stair Buildings the New ADUs? | 1
  35. Mystik Dan vs. Secretariat at the Derby | 1