Show HN ranking for the past day

  1. Dillo 3.1.0 released after 9 years | 71
  2. – "Airbnb" for GPUs | 99
  3. Mininet-YAML – Create complex virtual networks through small YAML files | 0
  4. GPT Home, A Home Assistant Built on the Raspberry Pi via the OpenAI API | 3
  5. Cvtek: Craft Your Resume/CV Using TOML | 0
  6. Uee AI to dynamically scrape any e-commerce site in seconds | 0
  7. I made a Node.js boilerplate, to ship your startup with less pain | 4
  8. Client only public key authentication IdP (similar: SSH and OAuth 2.1) | 2
  9. u8p – A Go Utility for Precise UTF-8 String Truncation | 3
  10. I built a Vercel app to manage projects, deployments, logs, and pushes | 0
  11. ChessGPT, play chess with ChatGPT, free with no ads, no PII collection | 1
  12. Client-side webapp to transform PDF to SVG using mupdf.js | 0
  13. I built the first Billboard website for Crypto coins | 0
  14. Kubernates in Node.js | 0
  15. Markdown-pages.js – Markdown-based static sites, without a generator | 1
  16. Monitr – A data visualization and analytics platform | 0
  17. I built an app that lets you track your gym workouts | 1
  18. CLI tool for using Timeular tracker with other time-tracking software | 0
  19. I made an AI-powered chat moderation bot for your Telegram community | 0
  20. Create 3D print movement trays for wargaming using Svelte and ThreeJS | 0
  21. I built an AI app that helps you answer interview questions in realtime | 3
  22. I made an AI coach that listens in your interviews and offers answers | 0
  23. Can you guess the note? Musical ear test | 0
  24. From Text 2 Quiz in a Click | 1
  25. I built an app that transforms chess score sheets into chess games | 0
  26. I Built DeployRapid a SvelteKit Development Kit | 0
  27. I made an AI-powered party game for 2-5 players | 0