Ask HN ranking for the past day

  1. Tell HN: A note of gratitude to the people providing answers over here | 1
  2. How do you develop and maintain a good note-taking habit? | 11
  3. TIL: You can open man or info pages in Firefox by man:<page> or info:<page> | 2
  4. When will the AI bubble burst? | 16
  5. Can you recommend some poetry? | 13
  6. What if ChatGPT popularity breaks your 2024 startup? | 4
  7. is AI the future of learning? | 4
  8. FOSS notes offline app with navigation tree, ideally cross platform? | 7
  9. A search engine that excludes all sites with ads and/or paywalls? | 3
  10. Has Reddit search suddenly gotten better? | 0
  11. Where do you all go for state of the art ideas on growing mobile apps? | 4
  12. Curate links? Where? Vote and share your curations | 1
  13. Does Hacker News have notifications? | 1
  14. Non-obvious tip to get better answers from ChatGPT? | 2
  15. Caddy modules, do you use them and how? | 0
  16. Affordable hardware for running local large language models? | 0
  17. Any long term vapers here? Need advice | 2
  18. How to spoof your computer real location | 1
  19. Best pay-once shareware software for Windows? | 0
  20. I realized I am a bad programmer | 6
  21. I think my son might be a bit gifted, his current school "thinks he's stupid." | 4
  22. Is having Salesforce on your resume a red flag? | 2
  23. Best Golang libs for arg and config parsing and logging | 1
  24. What idea would you build if you had more time? | 1
  25. How do you deal with feature creep in your side projects? | 1
  26. What are the top mental models to increase common sense? | 0
  27. How to sell a product in a data-intesive sector with no prior data? | 0
  28. Interview Advice | 0
  29. Construction Industry Database | 0
  30. Hanuman: The Divine Protector (Mobile Game) | 0
  31. Which book has inspired you the most in your career or personal development? | 0
  32. Web framework for custom character sheets? | 1
  33. The OpenAI's blog RSS feed is missing? | 0
  34. Do you buy your glasses online to save money? | 5
  35. What Software, Streaming services and Apps have Geographical pricing | 1
  36. Small Apps Ecosystems | 0
  37. Where Did Login with Facebook/Twitter/IG Go? | 1
  38. Tell HN: 4 new chapters in by Book "LangChain and LlamaIndex Projects Lab Book" | 1